In this Egyptian study, histopathological examination was carried out on the rats fed the GM maize, and the results were compared with rats fed non-GM maize. The study found clear signs of organ pathology in the GM-fed group, especially in the liver, kidney, and small intestine. An examination of the testes revealed necrosis (death) and desquamation (shedding) of the spermatogonial cells that are the foundation of sperm cells and thus male fertility – and all this after only 91 days of feeding.
Histopathological Changes in Some Organs of Male Rats Fed on Genetically Modified Corn (Ajeeb YG)
Authors: Ā El-ShameiĀ Z. S. , Gab-Alla A.A. ,ShattaĀ A. A, MoussaĀ E.Ā A.Ā and RayanĀ A. M.
Ajeeb YG is a genetically modified (GM) insect resistant corn produced by incorporated the MON 810 (Monsanto) borer resistance trait in the best corn germplasm Ajeeb. The safety of Ajeeb YG corn was assessed by comparison of toxicology response variables in rats consuming diets containing Ajeeb YG with those containing Ajeeb corn grains. Corn grains from Ajeeb YG or Ajeeb were incorporated into rodent diets at 30% concentrations administered to rats (n=10/group) for 91 days. An additional negative control group of rats (n=10/group) were fed AIN93G diets. Rats fed on GM corn showed histopathological changes. Liver displayed cytoplasmic vacuolation of centrolobular hepatocytes and fatty degeneration of hepatocytes. Kidneys showed congestion of renal blood vessels and cystic dilatation of renal tubules. Testes revealed necrosis and desquamation of spermatogoneal germ cells lining seminiferous tubules. Spleen showed slight lymphocytic depletion and splenic congestion. Small intestine showed hyperplasia, hyperactivation of mucous secretory glands and necrosis of intestinal villi were detected. Due to these observations, we suggest that the risk of GM crops cannot be ignored and deserves further investigations in order to identify possible long-term effects, if any, of GM food consumption that might help in the post market surveillance.
Population control it’s happening
If it causes cancer than why do they still produce it. Besides money what are there benifits? Do they work with the health department. Does putting us in danger get them more money?
If you want to know reality of GMO production, You need to google NSSM200, page 10 and you can find the real reason. Money making is 2nd target.
Where do we stand on the debate on the GMO with reference to its unhealthy impacts on the life,agriculture,food,fodder,meat,milk,vegetarian sectors,animal life,food security and a high risking issue of the common man life.
Please help and comment what should do the third world which is using the GMO seeds,fertilizers,pesticides and much more to grow more and get millionaire at the cost of our living.