Roundup is an endocrine disruptor and is toxic to human cells in vitro (tested in culture dishes in the laboratory) at levels permitted in drinking water in Australia, a new study has found. (more…)
Dr. Jayasumana: Glyphosate Leads to 5-Fold Increase in Deadly Kidney Disease Risk
This new study from Sri Lanka showed that drinking water from abandoned wells, where the concentrations of glyphosate and metals are higher, as well as spraying glyphosate, increased the risk of the deadly chronic kidney disease (CKDu) by up
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Dr. Lima: Glyphosate increases growth of pathogenic bacteria
This new study published in the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology indicates that the world’s most widely used herbicide – glyphosate – may be contributing to the enhanced growth of the pathogenic bacteria P. aeruginosa in our environment. (more…)
Dr. Oraby: GM Soy and Maize Toxic to Rats
In this study by Egyptian scientists a diet containing GM soy and maize fed to rats for 30, 60 and 90 days caused a wide range of toxic effects, including DNA damage, abnormal sperm, blood changes, and damage to liver, kidney
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Dr Santadino: Glyphosate Destroys Earthworm Eisenia fetida Populations
Using glyphosate herbicide can wipe out local earthworm populations, a new study shows. (more…)
Dr. Swanson: GM Crops and Glyphosate Linked to U.S. Health Deterioration
A new correlation study has been published in the Journal of Organic Systems has linked the world’s number one herbicide, glyphosate, to a huge increase in the incidence of chronic diseases across the United States. (more…)
Glyphosate Frequently Detected in Soils and Water Across America
In this unique U.S. biosurvey published in 2014 Glyphosate and AMPA were detected frequently in soils and sediment, ditches and drains, precipitation, rivers, and streams; and less frequently in lakes, ponds, and wetlands; soil water; and groundwater. (more…)
Dr Herbert: Field-Realistic Doses of Glyphosate Lead to Honeybee Starvation
A new study published in the Journal of Experimental Biology establishes a link between the world’s most sold herbicide Roundup and the dramatic decline in honeybee (Apis mellifera) populations in North American and Europe that lead to the coining of the
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Dr Krüger: Glyphosate Increases Birth Defects in Piglets
Glyphosate has been found in malformed piglets. The research study was conducted by a team of researchers from Germany and Egypt in collaboration with the Danish pig farmer Ib Pedersen, whose pigs were analysed for glyphosate content. (more…)
Dr. Schinasi: Glyphosate Herbicides Linked to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
A meta-analysis has confirmed a link between exposure to glyphosate herbicides such as Roundup and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of blood cancer. (more…)