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EFSA: Hidden Viral Gene VI Discovered in GM Crops

A hidden viral gene, Gene VI,  from cauliflower mosaic virus, has been discovered by EFSA (the European Food Safety Authority) and  Patrick du Jardin of Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech at the University of Liege, in GMO crops. (more…)

By |January 22nd, 2013|Europe, Lab Evidence|Comments Off on EFSA: Hidden Viral Gene VI Discovered in GM Crops

EFSA Releases GM Maize NK603 Data after Seralini Pressure

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announced on Monday that all the data it used to give its opinion in favour of authorizing the commercialization of the allegedly toxic GM maize NK603 has been released, following pressure from Professor
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By |January 15th, 2013|News|Comments Off on EFSA Releases GM Maize NK603 Data after Seralini Pressure

Toxicity confirmed for a GMO and the pesticide Roundup

Invitation to a CRIIGEN press conference on the study of Prof. Séralini’s group

Tuesday 15 January 14:00 PM European Parliament 1, Avenue du Président Robert Schuman, 67000 – Strasbourg Room LOW N-1/201
Complaints of defamation filed against critics
Raw data released to
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By |January 14th, 2013|News|Comments Off on Toxicity confirmed for a GMO and the pesticide Roundup

New Chinese Study Finds Antibiotic Resistance from GMOs in 6 Rivers

Paper demonstrating the escape and establishment of transgenic DNA from GMOs in all rivers tested in China.

Salient points:

1. A novel method was used to select and isolate those bacteria from the river water which contained DNA suspected to derive
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By |January 8th, 2013|News|Comments Off on New Chinese Study Finds Antibiotic Resistance from GMOs in 6 Rivers

Dr. Jian Chen: Transgenic DNA from GMOs in all rivers tested in China

A novel method was used in this research, to select and isolate those bacteria from the Chinese river water which contained DNA suspected to derive from GMOs. These were then carefully studied to demonstrate that the DNA could not
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By |January 8th, 2013|Animal Evidence, Asia|Comments Off on Dr. Jian Chen: Transgenic DNA from GMOs in all rivers tested in China

Scientist raises concerns about GM crops and glyphosate: Cause of diseases?

Future historians may well look back and write about our time …. about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations with this massive experiment that is based on false promises and flawed science just
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By |December 26th, 2012|News|Comments Off on Scientist raises concerns about GM crops and glyphosate: Cause of diseases?

Dr M. Kruger: Roundup Negatively Impacts Beneficial Bacteria

This study by scientists at Leipzig University found that the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, known as glyphosate, negatively impacted the gastrointestinal bacteria of poultry in vitro. The researchers presented evidence that highly pathogenic bacteria resisted glyphosate, whereas
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    Earth Open Source: Industry Studies Show Glyphosate Causes Birth Defects in Lab Animals

Earth Open Source: Industry Studies Show Glyphosate Causes Birth Defects in Lab Animals

This study, published in the Journal of Environmental and Analytical Toxicology, reveals that industry studies on glyphosate dating back as far as the 1980s, including some by Monsanto, showed that the chemical caused birth defects in lab animals. (more…)

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    CRIIGEN: GM Maize and Roundup can Cause Tumours, Multiple Organ Damage and Premature Death

CRIIGEN: GM Maize and Roundup can Cause Tumours, Multiple Organ Damage and Premature Death

In a study published in “Food and Chemical Toxicology”  researchers led by Gilles-Eric Seralini from CRIIGEN have found that rats fed on a diet containing NK603 Roundup tolerant GM maize or given water containing Roundup, at levels permitted in
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Prof Charles Benbrook: GM Crops Increase Use of Herbicides

The latest  study published by Washington State University research professor Charles Benbrook finds that the use of herbicides in the production of three genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops — cotton, soybeans and corn — has actually increased. This counterintuitive finding
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